Publication Scheme

Under Section 19 of the Act, the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme for the publication of Trust information.

This Publication Scheme is the Information Commissioner’s Office approved model scheme and is a complete guide to the information routinely published by the Trust. It is a description of the information about the Trust that is made publicly available. The Trust reviews the Scheme at regular intervals and monitors how it is operating.

The Publication Scheme helps individuals to find information which the Trust publishes. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 was passed as a statute of law to promote greater transparency by public authorities such as NHS Trusts. The Freedom of Information Act does not change the right of patients to protection of their patient confidentiality in accordance with Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, the Data Protection Act 1998 in line with Data Protection Legislation, and common law.

Maintaining the legal right to patient confidentiality continues to be an important commitment by the Trust. To assist with this, the Trust has appointed a Caldicott Guardian, and who has responsibility to ensure the protection of patient confidentiality throughout the Trust in accordance with an individual’s legal rights. In this Trust, the Caldicott Guardian is Jo Mountjoy, Chief Nurse.

Charges for information listed in the Publication Scheme

Most of the information listed in the Publication Scheme will be provided at no charge, such as information on the Trust website; this is clearly stated in the Scheme. The Trust may make a charge for photocopies/print-outs of documents, copies on formats such as CD-ROM / disks and postage. You will be informed of the exact charge before the information is provided. We will require payment before providing the information.

However, requests for multiple printouts, or for archived copies of documents which are no longer accessible or available on the web, will attract a charge for, photocopy and postage. The Trust will advise on cost and charges that will have to be paid in advance. The Trust does not provide printouts of other organisation’s websites.

Access our Patient Information Leaflets here

These are free of charge for the services which the Trust offers to the public.

Information Management

Information falling into the Classes will be retained in line with the Trust’s retention and disposal schedules, which comply with circular HSC1999/53 and Public Record Office Guidance.


Any questions, comments or complaints about this Scheme should be sent in writing to:

Chief Executive
Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Egerton Road

If you remain dissatisfied about the operation of the Publication Scheme, please write to:

Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane


NHS Code of Practice on Openness 1995

In addition to accessing the information identified in this Publication Scheme, an individual is entitled to request information provided by the Trust under the NHS Code of Practice on Openness 1995. Hard copies of the code are available free of charge from the Trust.
Sometimes, some or all of the information cannot be provided and the Trust will explain the reasons when this happens.