If you are going home, please ask a relative or friend to make sure that your home is ready for you, with the heating turned on and some food available. Please make sure that you have your own clothes to travel home and that either you, or a relative, friend or carer has access to your house keys.
We always try to get you home as early in the day as possible to give you time to settle in. We will speak with you about the timing and arrangements.
If you are going home, you will normally need to arrange your own transport to pick you up from hospital. Please ask a relative, friend or carer to collect you, or we can help you call a taxi.
Hospital transport is only available for people who have a medical issue that means they cannot use a car, taxi or public transport. If you are leaving hospital for another care setting, your transport arrangements will be discussed with you, as well as with a family member or carer if you wish.
If you are given any medicine when you leave hospital, the instructions will be explained to you by the ward staff or the discharge lounge staff. Any medicine you brought with you into hospital will be returned to you, providing it is safe and suitable to do so.
The hospital pharmacy will usually give you up to 14 days’ supply of your medicines if needed. You will need to contact your GP surgery for any repeat prescriptions.
On the day you leave hospital, you may be moved to our discharge lounge.
This is where we have nurses and healthcare assistants on hand to care for patients as you wait to leave hospital. They also make sure that you receive any medication, contact your family, friends or carers and arrange transport if needed.
There is comfortable seating, including recliner chairs and beds, food and drinks, and support available. The discharge lounge is found on Level A of the main hospital. There are parking spaces nearby for your relatives, carers or friends to use when collecting you.
You will be given a letter with details of your hospital admission and any medication that you have been discharged with. A copy of the letter will be sent to your GP.
Make sure you know about any referrals to community nurses, therapists or care agencies and when they may be coming to visit you
at home.
Your discharge will be organised as soon as clinically appropriate, and you will not be able to stay in a hospital bed after the point where this is clinically necessary.