Are you concerned about an adult inpatient's condition? We are listening. Have you noticed a change or deterioration in the patient's condition? Alongside speaking to the ward staff you can also contact the Critical Care Outreach team and make a Call 4 Concern.
Call 4 Concern is a patient safety initiative. We believe that patients, carers and family members know when their condition or that of a loved one is changing for the worse. This service complements the other safety initiatives already in place at our hospitals.
To raise a concern please call 01483 571122 ext. 4332. Hours of service are 8am–midnight seven days a week. We aim to respond to your concern promptly within these hours. Outside of these hours you can leave a message and calls will be dealt with the following day.
The team does not routinely respond to general concerns including basic nursing care issues for example, food, which is best discussed with the nurse in charge; or general complaints, which should be directed to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) .
Please remember: