We see children when parents or professionals have concerns about a child’s development and/or a child shows challenging behaviour.
The Child Development Centre is a specialist team that provides an initial assessment and where indicated on-going investigation, treatment and support.
The Child Development Centre accepts referrals for Children under 5 years who have:
Children need to be registered with a GP from Guildford and Waverley CCG to be referred. Referral is by letter for community or other hospital services or the Electronic Referral System via the GP.
Children over 5yrs should be referred to the Developmental Paediatricians based with Children and Family Health Surrey via their One Stop service. Access their One Stop service here.
Medical Secretaries:
Clare Moynihan - clare.moynihan@nhs.net
Telephone: 01483 571 122 ext: 4635
Kamila Poddighe Jaworska - k.poddighejaworska@nhs.net
Telephone: 01483 571 122 ext: 2418
MDA Coordinator:
Liz Lewis – Liz.lewis8@nhs.net
We are located in our Guildford hospital: Outpatients 6, Children’s Unit, Level B, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford.