Your care will be provided by a multi-disciplinary team (MDT), who specialise in caring and treating people with the type of cancer you have. It will be made up of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals.
The team meets regularly where they will discuss your test results and general health. They will then use their expertise to make recommendations for the best treatment options. Depending on your diagnosis, this could include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
After the MDT have met your doctor and clinical nurse specialist (CNS) will discuss with you the different treatment options available. They can give you as much information as you need and will work with you to come to a decision about what treatment and care is right for you.
You will meet other various members of the MDT throughout your treatment and care with us. This will be determined based on your individual circumstances and needs.
Your team may include:
Some of our staff wear different uniforms, so patients and visitors can tell who’s who. Use this link to see a guide to the different uniforms that our staff wear and their roles.