First appointment
Your first appointment will usually be face-to-face and you will meet your consultant and clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Your CNS will be your keyworker throughout your treatment and care. You may also meet a dietitian, or be referred to the dietetic team for a review at a later stage. Discover more about you first appointment.
If you are having surgery you may be referred for prehabilitation which supports you in the lead up to major oncology surgery. Find out about prehabilitation and how it could help you.
Appointments during treatment
You will receive regular appointments during treatment. These will be a mixture of telephone and face-to-face and you will see a member of your clinical team. Learn more about our outpatient appointments.
Our team of dietitians provide nutritional assessment, support with eating and artificial nutrition such as tube feeding and oral nutritional supplements. They also manage pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and help identify other digestive conditions that may occur. Find out more about eating well with cancer.
Enhanced Supportive care
Our Enhanced Supportive Care Team help people who are having cancer treatment to stay well and cope with their symptoms. Learn more about our Enhanced Supportive Care team.