First appointment
Your first appointment will normally be in the Consultant Led Clinic. This will usually be in Outpatients 12, Level B, Cancer Centre. Your doctor will normally be accompanied by your clinical nurse specialist. Discover more about your first appointment.
Surgery – If you are having surgery, you will have a Pre-Operative appointment before you are seen in the surgical clinic. You will also have a follow up with the surgeon post- surgery.
Find out more about cancer surgery at Royal Surrey.
Medical team review – During radiotherapy treatment you will also have a weekly review by your medical team. This is your opportunity to raise any concerns or flag any effects of treatment that you may be experiencing.
During chemotherapy treatment, you will be reviewed prior to each chemotherapy cycle with bloods prior to these reviews.
More information about our outpatients appointments is available by clicking here.
Blood tests – During radiotherapy treatment you will need weeklyblood tests. If you are having chemotherapy these blood tests will need to take place prior to receiving treatment. Find out more about blood tests and how to book appointments by clicking here.