If you have finished your treatment and have no problems with eating, it is advisable to return to a healthy balanced diet. This will help you to recover and to reduce your risk of a recurrence of your cancer.
Click on the below links for further advice on healthy eating:
If you continue to experience difficulties eating, then continue to follow the advice you have been given by your dietitian until you are able to eat more normally. If you are worried about an ongoing poor appetite or symptoms, please discuss this with your doctor, specialist nurse or dietitian.
For more information, click here to watch our video on what should I eat when I finish my treatment.
Use the links below to discover more general diet information:
NHS Choices:
British Dietetic Association
Use the below links to access tumour specific dietary advice:
If you are interested in reading more about cancer and diet try not to search on Google. There are millions of websites that provide advice that is not recommended by dietitians and other healthcare professionals.
The following are trusted sources of information. Please use the links below to open:
Cancer Research UK
World Cancer Research Fund
Wessex Cancer Alliance