The community meals service provides hot meals to residents across Guildford borough. The aim of the service is to encourage people to remain independent and living in their own home.
Meals are cooked and delivered in purpose-built vehicles - they are hot and ready to eat.
To register or enquire, contact on 01483 458055 or email info.communityservices@guildford.gov.uk.
There are other food companies which deliver prepared frozen meals to your door including Oakhouse Foods, Wiltshire Farm Foods and Cook.
If you are no longer able to prepare meals for yourself, you may wish to contact Surrey County Council Adult Social Care about your overall support needs.
The Handyperson Scheme helps those who are over 60, disabled or vulnerable and live in Guildford borough. The scheme may be able to assist you with small works to your property, such as:
Our Care and Repair Agency carries out a Handyperson Scheme which operates as a limited service for urgent and essential works. Hospital discharges will take priority. Visit the Handy Person website.
Careline is a 24-hour emergency call system, helping people live independently in their own home.
If you've recently been discharged from hospital, or have been a victim of distraction burglary, you can get a free six week Careline and smoke alarm package.
This helps you keep your independence at a time when you may need some extra help. It's also an opportunity to try the Careline service and decide if it's something you want to keep for the future.
Find out how to apply. If you would like to discuss any of the options available, please call on 01483 502334 or email telecaredirect@guildford.gov.uk.
The Guildford Community Transport service provides a variety of services to residents, such as:
Guildford Community Transport service use fully accessible vehicles to enable all passengers to use the service. The service is available to anyone who:
Anyone who would like to use the service must first register. All journeys need to be pre-booked.
To register for Community Transport Services (including Dial-a-ride and Door to Store service):
Fill out our community transport and meals key safe registration form
Send it by post to:
Community Transport
The Hive
Park Barn Drive
or email it to info.communityservices@guildford.gov.uk
Visit the Community Transport website for more information.
Guildford Borough Council operates The Hive social centre for people aged 55 or over who live within the borough.
Park Barn Drive
The Hive Social Centre is open from 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Friday.
You can contact the centre by phone within opening hours on: 01483 458055.
The centre offers an opportunity for you to meet friends, socialise in a welcoming environment and to take advantage of the services offered. The centre has a coffee shop providing light refreshments and a dining area which provides hot and cold lunches at reasonable prices. The majority of dietary requirements can be met. You don't need to stay all day, it's your choice whether you just want to pop in for a coffee or spend the whole day.
The main facilities offered include: