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Parent praise hot meal initiative | News

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Parent praise hot meal initiative

a collage of photo provided by the charity Sophies Choice. Photo consist of a child in hopital, Disney Land.

A parent has praised a new scheme to provide free hot meals for the parents of sick children Royal Surrey.

As part of the new initiative parents of youngsters on the children’s ward, are offered a hot breakfast, lunch and dinner, so that they do not have to leave their child’s side in order to find food. This will also mean for those parents at the hospital this Christmas, they will also get a Christmas dinner provided.

Parent Ed Butler, whose eight-year-old son, Archie, has spent more than 500 days in hospital during his short-life described the introduction as a ‘watershed moment.’

Having spent time at various hospitals after Archie was born with half a heart, this is the first time his father from Rudgwick near Cranleigh in Surrey, has ever been offered a meal.

Ed, who is also a trustee of the Sophie’s Legacy charity, said: “We are veterans of staying in hospital. Archie has been in hospital for at least a year and a half of his life. This was the first time I had been offered a meal. It felt like a real watershed moment.

“From a parent’s point of view, I am just lost for words. It was brilliant to have a warm meal and not to have to go down and spend money.

“It’s horrible having to leave your child while you’re queuing for food.

“I am just incredibly grateful.”

In March, hospitals were invited to apply for funding from Sophie’s Legacy to pilot a scheme to cover the cost of feeding the parents of young patients on extended clinical care plans.

This came after research found that the cost for one parent to eat in a hospital is around £15-£18 a day. 

A total of 15 hospitals around the country, including Royal Surrey, received £5,000 each as part of the trial. 

Now, Medirest, has committed to funding the project permanently.

Vicki Mumford, Professional Director of Nursing and Cancer at Royal Surrey said the project has been a lifesaver for parents.

She said: “We are incredibly grateful for the generous support from both Sophie’s Legacy and Medirest. It truly makes such a difference to the hospital experience to support the holistic needs of the whole family.

“We are thrilled that Medirest will now be funding this project going forward.”

A big thank you to Head of Soft FM Craig Richards and Hascombe Matron Ellen Parker who have played a pivotal role in this project.