Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and have today announced the appointment of Louise Stead as their Group Chief Executive.
This appointment follows a decision by the boards of each trust in October this year to establish a group model. The group will be a collaboration between the two existing trusts; each of which will remain separate organisations and maintain dedicated executive teams, boards and council of governors. This decision is not a merger of the trusts.
Ashford and St Peter’s and Royal Surrey are natural partners; sharing similar geography and an overlap in the populations served. Both trusts are of a similar size and have complementary services and expertise.
The group model will enable the trusts to find new and effective ways to deliver the best possible care and experiences for patients and staff.
Louise, who will be in post from Monday 6 January, has been the Chief Executive Officer at Royal Surrey since 2018 and prior to that held the role of Chief Nurse.
Louise said, “I am delighted to be taking on the role of Group Chief Executive at this pivotal moment in both trusts’ history as we embark on this exciting collaboration.
“I am committed to enhancing our collective strengths and successes; recognising and valuing that we are two separate organisations with different cultures and ways of doing things but also sharing the same passion and absolute dedication to our patients and to each other.
“I am looking forward to working with new colleagues at Ashford and St Peter’s and partners within North West Surrey listening and learning, building trust and helping people to make useful connections.
“My appointment as Group Chief Executive is just the start of this innovative journey and we will set our longer-term vision of what success looks like for our group model together. I know that at heart of this will be a commitment to providing the best possible care and outcomes for our patients and a positive and supportive environment for colleagues working across all parts of the group.”
Karen McDowell, Chief Executive Officer for the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System (ICS) and Integrated Care Board (ICB) said: “This group model is a big step forward in enabling greater collaboration between services across the two trusts to benefit patients. I welcome the appointment of Louise into the group CEO role, bringing her wide experience, drive and determination at this crucial time for the NHS and our health and care system. I look forward to continuing to work closely with her across this wider remit.”