Our Trust Board comprises non-executive and executive directors who are jointly responsible for the effective management of Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.
Led by the Chair, our non-executive directors use their knowledge, skills and experience to help the Board formulate Trust strategies, and support and promote a healthy organisational culture. They hold the Board to account by challenging its decisions and outcomes to make sure they are satisfied that our organisation is operating with financial and operational integrity, and in the best interests of patients and the public.
Led by the Chief Executive, the executive directors are our most senior managers and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Trust, including matters on strategy and operational management, as well as any issues regarding staff or patients.
Both the non-executive directors and the executive directors regularly speak with patients and staff, listening to their views, ideas and concerns.
Bill joined the Trust as Medical Director in October 2021.
He previously worked at Frimley Health Foundation Trust, as a consultant in anaesthetics and intensive care from August 2004, and then in a number of clinical and management positions. He served at Frimley as the first Lead Consultant for Patient Safety, the Chief of Service for Anaesthetics, Theatres and Critical Care, Deputy Medical Director for over six years and as Deputy Chief Operating Officer during the Covid pandemic.
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and has a founding fellowship from the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
Bill was awarded a BSc in Basic Medical Sciences with Biochemistry from the University of London in 1992 and qualified MB BS from St George’s Hospital Medical School in 1995. Bill trained in anaesthetics and intensive care at St George’s Hospital, Royal Brompton Hospital, Frimley Park Hospital, Royal Surrey Hospital and a number of other hospitals in the South East.